As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Friday, September 14, 2012

1st Day of School for Sophia

Sophia's first day of school was Tuesday and she was so proud to be going to school just like Isabella.  Will was able to join us to drop her off on her first day which was a treat for all of us.  Sophia snuggled with Will when we approached the classroom.  Sophia is in the Owl classroom and found her owl photo and carefully put it on her classroom tree.  During the time a few kids were crying and Sophia was a little taken back by the loud noise.  After she scanned the room Sophia found a baby doll to snuggle and waved goodbye to us at that point.  She had a great first day of school and I was told she was a good listener.  On her second day of school she asked her teacher two times where Isabella was.  The girls love each other and want to be tighter.  Turns out, their classrooms are right next to each other!  This is Sophia's first year of preschool and she will go two mornings a week, which are Tuesday and Thursday.  Only one week of school is complete and Sophia already seems more mature.  Our baby is growing up and we love sharing the journey together.  Here are photos of Sophia's first day of school...

Look who is excited to go to school!
Sophia put her owl on the class tree
Sophia was happy to find a baby in the classroom
Big girl after her 1st day of preschool

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