As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Week Before Kindergarten

The week before Kindergarten went by very fast, in fact too fast!  We started off the week enjoying a picnic at Gayton Elementary.  Isabella chose the perfect spot in the grassy center of the track.  For a little crafty fun,  Isabella & I created a kindermat cover for school.  My little Bella chose a fleece peace rainbow pattern.  She helped measure and sew the fabric.  The highlight of the week was attending open house at Gayton Elementary where Isabella met her teacher and classmates.  Isabella is a bit nervous and also a bit excited to start Kindergarten.  We discovered she had fallen asleep in bed reading "The Night Before Kindergarten".    Tomorrow my darling Isabella will leave the nest and grow wings. She is heading off to a new chapter in her life.  Education is a lifelong process and I pray it is a great experience for Isabella.   As sad as I am to see Bella ride away from me on the school bus tomorrow, I could not be more excited for the new adventure she is about to begin.
Gayton Elementary Playground Picnic 
Loving the personalized nap mat cover
Waiting for the school to open its doors
Isabella checks out her table
Sophia wanted to try it out too!
Isabella playing in her new classroom
Cute Kitty
Pretty Puppy
Looks who is excited to be a Gayton Gaytor!
Mrs. Cobaugh (teacher) and Isabella
Isabella fell asleep reading about Kindergarten

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