As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kindergarten here we come!

Kindergarten, Kindergarten
 Here were come, here we come
Riding on the School Bus 
Making lots of new friends
So much fun, so much fun!

First Day of Kindergarten
Heading to the bus stop...
Waiting at the bus stop
We are happy for Bella!
And like that my baby is off to Kindergarten...
...a fast wave to us
...and a smile as the bus heads away to school

Isabella's had a great first day of school!  She said "Mommy, I did not know Kindergarten would be so much fun!"  She exclaimed "My favorite thing was EVERYTHING!!!"
3pm on day 2 "kindergarten is so much fun!"
7:30am day 3 - heading to the bus stop
Isabella had a great first week at school.  She loved riding the bus, having lunch and going outside at recess.  She enjoys school but misses being home with Sophia and I.  She even said "Mom, I wish you were my teacher so I could be with you...I never want to leave you Momma."  If only she knew that's exactly how I felt as the bus was drove away  leaving me with tears welled up in my eyes.  We have given Isabella wings to grow and she is adjusting well to elementary school.

Meanwhile, back in the Schaefer household Sophia and I were enjoying spending time together. We enjoyed lots of special mommy daughter time which was a treat. Sophia asked for her big sister multiple times per day and we both missed our Bella very much.  In the afternoons, Sophia gets super excited when she sees Isabella's bus approaching our stop.  Every day Isabella gets off the bus with smiles and hugs!  I love my sweet daughters and am very thankful to spend this time with them.

We have been Krogering!
Pretty Pretty Princess
Sophia loves hair bows, leopard clothes and babies!
I am off to Gayton Elementary now to help with Kindergarten lunch duty....or we could say brunch since she eats at 10:40am!  Looking forward to an inside view of Isabella's school day.

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