As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Big Girl Stuff for Sophia

Sophia has had an exciting week.  We set up her big girl bed and then she started her 2nd year of preschool.   Sophia has always loved her crib which then became her toddler bed.  She loved it so much that she did not want a bigger bed until last weekend when she told me that there was no room to stretch in her bed anymore. Sophia is very proud of her big girl bed and loves that Isabella has room to join her.  
Fifi loves her new bed!
Testing it out with baby
Excited to have big sister pretend to sleep in her bed
Sophia started preschool on Monday and was excited to go back to school.  She went into class and found a baby doll right away!  Sophia had a great first day at school and her teacher even remarked that Sophia was a sweet and smart child, plus a big helper in the class!  It was a great report from the teacher.  
Sophia's first day of preschool 2013
Sophia decorated her school bag
Sophia loves her baby dolls
My baby and her baby
Already having fun in class!
Mrs. McDearmon, Sophia & Mrs. Morrissey
Thumbs up to the first day of school!

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