As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ballerina Girls

My girls LOVE to dance!  Isabella has been looking forward to taking Ballet for months!  It was a birthday gift from her grandparents and she was thrilled to finally start class.  She is also in class with her "sister-friend" Abby (a.k.a. best friend) which the highlight of her week.  Isabella did great in class and is excited to go back again this afternoon.
Ballerina Bella
A very happy Bella
Isabella ready to drive to her dance class
Isabella, Hannah, Abby & Sophia
Sophia wants to dance too!
Meanwhile, Sophia who also loves to dance was feeling sad that she could not attend her own ballet class. After watching Isabella dance around the studio, she REALLY wanted to be part of the action.  Thus, Sophia is now taking dance on Thursdays.  She had her first class last week and was so proud to be there.  She also loves the time with her friends Hannah and Ashton.
Sophia, the ballerina
Ready to head out early to class
OMG she is SOOO HAPPY!!!!!!
Two thumbs up!
Ashton, Sophia & Hannah
Sophia is dressed up with no place to go

My two little girls who like to dance on their toes, keep me on my toes!  I love it!  Plus, I enjoy seeing them taking ballet which reminds me of my childhood.  Now we will have two cute munchkins in the recital this Spring!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Big Girl Stuff for Sophia

Sophia has had an exciting week.  We set up her big girl bed and then she started her 2nd year of preschool.   Sophia has always loved her crib which then became her toddler bed.  She loved it so much that she did not want a bigger bed until last weekend when she told me that there was no room to stretch in her bed anymore. Sophia is very proud of her big girl bed and loves that Isabella has room to join her.  
Fifi loves her new bed!
Testing it out with baby
Excited to have big sister pretend to sleep in her bed
Sophia started preschool on Monday and was excited to go back to school.  She went into class and found a baby doll right away!  Sophia had a great first day at school and her teacher even remarked that Sophia was a sweet and smart child, plus a big helper in the class!  It was a great report from the teacher.  
Sophia's first day of preschool 2013
Sophia decorated her school bag
Sophia loves her baby dolls
My baby and her baby
Already having fun in class!
Mrs. McDearmon, Sophia & Mrs. Morrissey
Thumbs up to the first day of school!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kindergarten here we come!

Kindergarten, Kindergarten
 Here were come, here we come
Riding on the School Bus 
Making lots of new friends
So much fun, so much fun!

First Day of Kindergarten
Heading to the bus stop...
Waiting at the bus stop
We are happy for Bella!
And like that my baby is off to Kindergarten...
...a fast wave to us
...and a smile as the bus heads away to school

Isabella's had a great first day of school!  She said "Mommy, I did not know Kindergarten would be so much fun!"  She exclaimed "My favorite thing was EVERYTHING!!!"
3pm on day 2 "kindergarten is so much fun!"
7:30am day 3 - heading to the bus stop
Isabella had a great first week at school.  She loved riding the bus, having lunch and going outside at recess.  She enjoys school but misses being home with Sophia and I.  She even said "Mom, I wish you were my teacher so I could be with you...I never want to leave you Momma."  If only she knew that's exactly how I felt as the bus was drove away  leaving me with tears welled up in my eyes.  We have given Isabella wings to grow and she is adjusting well to elementary school.

Meanwhile, back in the Schaefer household Sophia and I were enjoying spending time together. We enjoyed lots of special mommy daughter time which was a treat. Sophia asked for her big sister multiple times per day and we both missed our Bella very much.  In the afternoons, Sophia gets super excited when she sees Isabella's bus approaching our stop.  Every day Isabella gets off the bus with smiles and hugs!  I love my sweet daughters and am very thankful to spend this time with them.

We have been Krogering!
Pretty Pretty Princess
Sophia loves hair bows, leopard clothes and babies!
I am off to Gayton Elementary now to help with Kindergarten lunch duty....or we could say brunch since she eats at 10:40am!  Looking forward to an inside view of Isabella's school day.

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Week Before Kindergarten

The week before Kindergarten went by very fast, in fact too fast!  We started off the week enjoying a picnic at Gayton Elementary.  Isabella chose the perfect spot in the grassy center of the track.  For a little crafty fun,  Isabella & I created a kindermat cover for school.  My little Bella chose a fleece peace rainbow pattern.  She helped measure and sew the fabric.  The highlight of the week was attending open house at Gayton Elementary where Isabella met her teacher and classmates.  Isabella is a bit nervous and also a bit excited to start Kindergarten.  We discovered she had fallen asleep in bed reading "The Night Before Kindergarten".    Tomorrow my darling Isabella will leave the nest and grow wings. She is heading off to a new chapter in her life.  Education is a lifelong process and I pray it is a great experience for Isabella.   As sad as I am to see Bella ride away from me on the school bus tomorrow, I could not be more excited for the new adventure she is about to begin.
Gayton Elementary Playground Picnic 
Loving the personalized nap mat cover
Waiting for the school to open its doors
Isabella checks out her table
Sophia wanted to try it out too!
Isabella playing in her new classroom
Cute Kitty
Pretty Puppy
Looks who is excited to be a Gayton Gaytor!
Mrs. Cobaugh (teacher) and Isabella
Isabella fell asleep reading about Kindergarten

Tail End of Summer

Sadly summer is winding down.  I have enjoyed spending quality time with my daughters this summer.  Playing at home, the park, pool, library,beach, Busch Gardens, the movies, play dates, bike rides, walks in the neighborhood...its been great!  I am very grateful for the opportunity to share this time with my daughters.
Painting party with my girls
Sophia loves to make hand prints
Isabella made prints with shells from the beach
The girls visit Daddy at work