As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Christmas 2015

Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house,
the girls were running in circles like a caged mouse.

Time to head to church for 5pm mass,
I hope the girls contain their sass.

A kiss by the tree and again by the mistletoe,
no more photos because its time to go.

It was dark when we left the crowded church lot,
at home we sprinkled reindeer food outside on the perfect spot.

The reindeer food outside was tossed with joy,
time for cute Christmas jammies and dreams of new toys.

Treats and a Christmas cat, in purple or brown
Milk, cookies and carrots that Santa cant turn down.

Isabella read the Christmas story and then hit the hay
They are both excited for Christmas Day!

The sleepyheads are ready to go downstairs and 
I really need to brush my crazy bed hair!

A classic photo from the top of the stair,
Sophia snuck down early which was not fair.

Rushing to discover Christmas joy
Did Santa leave them a special toy?

Isabella's look of surprise says it all,
under the tree her gifts are stacked tall.

The girls enjoyed opening each and every gift,
even a big heavy tent that they could not lift.

Showing off all of their gifts,
Santa covered their entire wish list.

A wacky worm from G-mom and PopPop
This gummy snack will be hard to top.

After dinner treat to see Christmas lights,
all the lights displayed were quite a sight.

A day full of love, blessings and joy,
ended with a sister sleepover, oh boy!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Here are a few funny stories from Christmas day:

Sophia "Can we open gifts now?"
Mom: "Check with Bella to see if she is ready?"
Sophia "Bella is still sleeping..."
Mom "Lets give Bella a little longer to sleep"
Sophia: "I can't wait to go downstairs to play with my pink walkie talkies and baby doll from Santa." 
Mom: "Sophia, did you go downstairs already?"
Sophia: "No"
Mom: "Oh really??"
 Its pretty obvious when a 6 year old does not tell the truth.  She discovered two unwrapped Santa gifts under the tree. On the positive side, the rest of us got a little extra sleep.

While opening Christmas stocking Sophia exclaimed "Oh a spanker!".  It was a wooden back scratcher.

Ah the joys of children.

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