As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

SPCA treasure

It seems Santa was not going to bring Isabella a kitty for Christmas but perhaps we could find one for a good price.  Will and I have been looking for a few weeks for female kittens and did not want to break the bank on a rare breed.  I just happened upon the SPCA to see if any new cats (or dogs) had arrived and what to my wondering eyes should appear but an add stating the adoption fee was waved!  Merry Christmas to us!  

On-line, I had spotted a female kitten named Sarah.  There were a few other kittens but she caught my eye.  Upon arriving and seeing ALL the animals we settled on our top 4 favorite kittens.  Sarah was the only girl so we chose to play with her first.  She was curious, outgoing and sweet.  Plus she seemed to bond with all of us.    I just hoped she would stay as happy with us as we were with her.
Sophia greeting "Sarah" the first time she saw her cage.
Sophia approves
Isabella is being gentle with "Sarah"
Such a sweet kitten!
The girls are happy to bring the kitty home

The kitty has adjusted well to our home and family.  Every day we discover more of her personality that we love.  From her tiny high pitched meow & low purr to her cute white kitty booties...she is "purrfect"! 
Lucy is adjusting well to our home!
Lucy taking a cat nap on Bella.
Sophia loves baby dolls and kitty cats!
Our Candy Cane Princess

We have discovered that our kitten loves chin rubs, snuggles and looking out the window. She is very entertained by the wildlife in our backyard.  She loves to eat, sleep and play.  She really is a sweet cat and we are lucky to have found such a gem.
Lucy likes to lounge on Wills chest.
She tolerates kisses
She loves chin rubs
Checking out the birds....
...And chipmunks...
...and squirrels.
Our window watcher kitty
Not only did we want a pet but we wanted one that would be happy in our home.  We lucked out since we all love Lucy as much as she loves us.  Thank you to the Richmond SPCA & Priority Automotive for generously covering our adoption fee and adding joy to our lives.  It is already a Merry Christmas!

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