As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So Big

Sophia is 9 months old today! Thus it was time for another well visit to the pediatricians office. However this time, both girls had an appointment. Also, both girls had to get shots which is never good. The girls had fun with each other while we were waiting for Dr. Terry.
Sophia is a happy little girl. She loves peek-a-boo, bath time and jumping/bouncing. Sophie is on table food now and prefers to feed herself. Sweet potatoes are still her favorite! Also, our little girl can wave bye-bye and says mom-mom.

Sophia's 9 month Stats:
weight 20lbs (70%)
height 29" (90%)
Isabella's 2 1/2 yr. stats:
weight 24.5lbs (10%)
height 36.5" (70%)
Isabella is talking up a storm these days. We converted her crib to a toddler bed (again) and this time she loved it! She has been taking naps and sleeping more in her big girl bed than she did in her crib. I asked Isabella if she liked her big girl bed. Her response was " It is my favorite crib. I can get books". I must note that after nap time she always has a bunch of book stashed in her bed.

Potty training is taking a step backwards. The first 2 weeks were great and then last week Isabella rarely used the potty. The pediatrician suggested we take a break from it. Since I am on the subject, I do have a funny potty training story to share...or at least a plumber might get a kick out of it. Anyway, this past weekend Isabella had an accident while sitting on top of our bed. It went all the way through from our duvet cover down to the mattress. While I was stripping the bed I heard a toilet flush. I asked Isabella if she used the potty and she told me "no, mommy I was washing my underwear." Ugh. Yes, she flushed her thick training pants down the drain. Just another fun filled day in the Schaefer household.

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