As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pizza Pizza

Isabella and Sophia love pizza and its a good thing since we had it twice in one day. Saturday morning we celebrated Bennett's birthday at the SPCA. Isabella enjoyed giving a dog a treat and brushing a cat. Sophia was wide eyed just taking everything in.
Friends from playgroup: Madelyn, Isabella & Charlotte
Chowing down on some 'Za Nice kitty and Nice Bella
Saturday evening we went to our friends pool and ate even more pizza. Isabella & Sophia LOVE the water. Isabella said " I am having so much fun!" Even though there was a whole baby pool full of water Isabella and her friend Madelyn wanted to sit in the bucket Sophia was in. Funny girls.

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