As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Isabella and Sophia played basketball this winter through the YMCA. They both learned a new sport and enjoyed having good friends on the team.  A few weeks into basketball season, Sophia was not interested in playing.  She said she would rather be a cheerleader.  In fact, Sophia dressed up as a cheerleader on two occasions to cheer on her big sis. 

 Isabella looked forward to basketball practice and games.  Isabella enjoyed the co-ed team and was always entertaining the group.  She was known for her trick of bouncing the ball under her leg before passing.  Isabella was also known for motivating the group and random push ups during practice.  Basketball season went by fast and here are the photos to enjoy.
Abby, Isabella and Addi waiting to start their first game
Sophia's on a water break the first day
Week 2: Isabella with her friends
Week 2:  Sophia with her friends
Sophia posing for the camera
Isabella loved to be in control of the ball
Sophia waiting for the ball
Isabella and Abby at practice
Sophia the cheerleader with teammate Hannah
Sophia about the pass the ball to her friend
Isabella's trick. See the leg goes up...
....the ball goes under her leg before the pass
The girls headed to their last b-ball game
Sophia in her last game of the season
Sophia is proud of her first trophy!
Isabella receives her trophy
Isabella's team gathered for a group photo

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