As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Germ Free Family

Germs germs go away the Schaefers want to come out to play!  The girls and I have been sick the past few weeks.  We had an awful tummy bug that lasted for a few days each.  On top of that Miss Sophia cant seem to kick her ear infections.  She was given an antibiotic injection 4 times last month for her ears and the fluid is still  there.  Thus Sophia is getting tubes this month.  I am glad she will finally get some relief for her little ears.

 We have been cooped up in the house due to germs but still having fun.  Sophia is 15 months old now and doing new stuff every day.  She can stand on her own but not for long.  She can also walk holding on to a walker or stroller.  She has 2 new teeth for a total of 14 pearly whites.  Her newest word is "baby" and she now calls our cat Poca "CoCa" .  No one can make her giggle like her big sister.  The girls play together some and it is sweet to see them together despite the fights over toys.  Ha!  They always want the toy their sister is using.  Isabella wants to take certain toys from Sophia and says "Mom...But I NEED it!  On the flip side Isabella does bring toys to Sophia to play with.
 Speaking of Isabella sharing, she went into my purse (without my knowledge) and took  a beautiful red lipstick.  By the time she asked me if I would like some she had already applied some on her self and her sister.   Hey, at least she was sharing right?
My little make up artist

Pretty Lips Sophie
 Sophia can also get herself into  a mess.  Can you guess what color lolly pop she was eating?  Blue as you can see on her face and in her HAIR!

Bath Night
 Thankfully we are all feeling better and trying to stay germ free.  Its nice to see Sophia back to being active.

 Isabella is potty training again and doing great!  For the past few weeks Bell would take her diaper off during nap time and put on underwear.  I thought that was sign she was ready,   she even senses when it is time to go to the bathroom.  We are using pull ups at night and during nap times.  Yesterday, I came into her room after nap time (aka quiet time) and she had somehow managed to put a diaper on herself !  Yes, my child now knows how to put a diaper on herself. This defiantly means its time to say goodbye to diapers!!  In case you are wondering,  she lays it out flat and sits on top of it and cinches the sides while sitting.  Smart little girl does not want to be in wet diaper anymore.
I am so proud of my daughters and all their new accomplishments.  They are  growing up so fast.

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