As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Potty Time

As you know, Isabella started potty training last week. Every day was an improvement and at the end of the 1st week was a day with no accidents! Typically Isabella has 2 accidents a day but she is getting up to go to the bathroom on her own most of the time.

Below are photos of our potty training journey. The 4th of July was a great weekend to start potty training since it was a 3 day weekend. I needed to give lots attention to Isabella and her signals to use the potty. We pumped her full of liquids all day and kept the potty near us. After 5 days of staying home we ventured into public with Isabella in big girl panties. I was armed with a potty seat/ chair , change of clothes, spare underwear and rewards. We headed to Barnes & Noble story time to meet our playgroup. Isabella used her potty in the bathroom and things seemed good to go. Well wouldn't you know it she had an accident less than 5 minutes later right on the stage in the middle of story time. Luckily, she had on rubber pants so there was little mess to deal with. My little lion is ready to go!
Day 2 of Potty training
Notice my red face? I had returned from a 3 mile run in 101 degree heat and needed the pool to cool me off!
Sophia is maxin' & relaxin'
Day 4 of potty training at home with Kate
Day 6
Keeping the rug dry
Sick Sophie. Poor sweetheart has had a high fever for 4 days and is still a trouper. She has an ear infection and a cold on top of it. Today at the pediatricians office Isabella had to go to the potty. I came equipped with my handy dandy potette!
Big girl Bella
Another cute story, Isabella does not want to wear diapers for nap or bedtime but she does not always stay dry so Will got Pull-ups for her. She thought they were diapers and did not want them. But I am a marketing genius and named the "Princess night-night underpants". She loves it!

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