As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Playing with color

Isabella needed a big chunky crayon she could not break so I decided to make a batch of cupcake crayons. For those who are interested here are the steps:
1. Peel the crayons - it helps to soak them in ice cold water for about a minute

Step 2: Break crayons up and put in metal cupcake wrappers.
Step 3: Heat oven to 350. Once temp is reached turn OFF the oven and put the crayon cupcakes inside for 6 minutes.
I swirled mine with a toothpick when they came out of the oven.
Once cool, remove the wrapper and Enjoy!
Look where I found Isabella waiting to color. She hopped in the swing and even strapped herself in!Fun!
Sweet Sophie
making a crayon caterpillar

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