As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Little People

My days are surrounded by little people and I love it! It has always been my dream to be home to raise my children. I feel VERY fortunate to have this opportunity. Don't get me wrong there are moments where I count down till nap time and adult interaction is always appreciated. However, I talk to my kids more than anyone else. So its no surprise when I find myself singing kids songs while in the shower or even jammin' out to them in the car when the kids are NOT in the car. Trust me this is not what I would choose to sing or listen to but being around little people all day has re-wired my thinking.
I officially have Mommy brain. Everything I do is for my kids. One of my favorite things is to have a conversation with Isabella. Last week she told me "Bella go to beach with Daddy. Daddy hold my hand". So sweet and a great talker too. Another comment I was surprised to hear out of my 2 year old....was "Thank you Mommy" which was said in a cheery voice after I had vacuumed her room.
My little person, Isabella did not want to take a nap because of all the water fun. However, she passed out within minutes of going to bed and then I had to wake her up. Isabella did not even hear me come into her room. She played hard and napped hard!
Here are some more little people. Can you tell which child is older? If you judge by appearance/ size it would be Sophia however Sophia is 5 months younger than Olivia.
I love my little people!

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