As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Busy little bees

We have been busy little bees and enjoying every minute of it! Here are my girls strapped in and ready to go. Sophia loves to nap in the stroller and Isabella enjoys the ride but most of all I enjoy the exercise. I have started going back to stroller strides again which is a great outlet for all of us. They even have a playgroup right after class.
Its hard to believe Isabella is turning 2 in less than a month. Time really does fly when you are having fun! Now if I could only invent a pause button....hmmm
Our toddler is giving Elmo the tour of our home via the ladybug
um, excuse me Mom, you are blocking the tour
Being a great tour guide she takes Elmo for a stroll.
Tummy Time is much better when your sister does it with you
Ah a sweet kiss from the big sister
Now Isabella is not always very gentle with Sophia but she does mean well. I caught Isabella climbing up into Sophia's moses basket while she was sleeping.
Isabella just wanted to help give her a paci. She adores her baby sister and even remarks at the top of her voice "I love you Sophia".
I wonder if we might have a red head??
Sophia's 2 month check up was last week. She was technically 10 weeks old. Guess who was the proud big sister...yup, Isabella. She even gave Sophia support while Sophia had to get 5 shots in her leg. I think Isabella was also very happy to get a lollipop and not need any shots.
So our sweet little Sophia is not so little anymore. She weighed in at 12 lbs and has grown 3 inches since she was born. That makes her a tad shy of 2 feet tall. Everything is on track and she is doing great.
Our 10 week old Snuggle Bear
My girls keep me very busy, every day is unique and I love it!

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