As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fantastic, Fun and 40!

Fantastic, fun and 40! This last decade from 30-40 has went by fast.  Turning a decade older seems like a rite of passage.  My family and friends filled my heart with joy.  Two of my friends took me out and pampered me with pedicures, mimosas, fruit and lunch out!  It was a treat to have a day with my friends and one I will treasure for years to come.  I kicked off my actual birthday getting up at 5:45am to run 12 miles. Before the run the training team sang Happy Birthday to me. Later, I squeaked in a little nap and had girl friends over that evening.  We enjoyed taking silly photo booth photos, whacking a pinyata and lots of yummy treats.  Will and the girls were such wonderful party hosts.   At the end of my birthday I counted my blessings for a 40th birthday full of friendship, laughter, love, joy, support, generosity and happiness.  I am thankful for family, friends and to celebrate 40!
Mimosas and Pedicures
Lunch at Coopers Hawk
Sweet surprise treat
Pinyata party time!
Photo by Sophia
A whole lot of candles and sugar
Gearing up to make a wish
Make a wish
Almost out of breath
Round two. A little help from my munchkins

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