As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Well Isabella has had a very adventurous weekend!!! She has a whole new bag of tricks. She surprised us by going from her stomach to a sitting position. It first happened at day care and although I was sad to miss it I was happy to see her hit a new milestone. So that made for an exciting week, but wait there is more.....she started crawling last night!!


Jen said...

Congrats!!! That is great!!! WHERE did you get that bow on her? That is TOO cute and I think Anna needs some! :-)

kim fh said...

Oh my, that bow is just too much cuteness :) Phaelen has that bunny too!! He's looking the same on the floor, nudging along.