We spent this past weekend in Maryland to visit family. During our trip we also enjoyed a visit to the
Baltimore Aquarium

It was great to see family and catch up. I enjoyed intoducing the girls to everyone. It has been years since we have all been together and of coarse the trip went by too fast. Which is always the case when we are having fun!

Can you say messy eater? I am sure she enjoyed every bite (that which made it in her mouth)

Sophia chillin' with Daddy

and Isabella discovers video games for the 1st time

I find it funny how hard it is to get a good photo when there is a toddler and a baby in the photo. So I am including the 1st one which shows Sophia's sweet smile and Isabella shark teeth. Isabella was showing off her teeth in anticipation for our trip to the aquarium.

Here we go, this shot is a bit better.

My cousin Rob met Isabella and Sophia for the 1st time. They bonded pretty quick and the girls felt very comfortable with Rob.

A big sailor and a bitty sailor

Isabella was not a huge fan of the shark teeth...take a look at that expression on her face!

Who is that pretty girl in the mirror?

Looks like Isabella found the perfect seat to see all the fishies! (thanks rob)

I even learned how Nemo got his name. Another name for Clownfish is Anemonefish. If you drop the 1st letter and the last few letters you get Nemo. Pretty neat huh?

A sleepy sloth in the rain forest

Proud grandparents

Samantha enjoyed meeting her cousin Sophia for the 1st time

Now the road trip would not be complete without some entertainment. As we were heading home to Richmond, Isabella dolled herself up with nutella "lipstick".

Sophia slept great in the car and we only had to make one stop each way to nurse.

and Isabella finally passed out, about an hour from home.

Despite daylight savings and sleeping away from home, the girls adjusted well. I enjoyed getting away to spend time with family. Its always a nice feeling to be back home, sweet home.
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