Last week was twice the fun! Sophia had her 1st play date with Miles. Sophia is 2 weeks older than Miles so it was neat to watch them try to do the same things.
Isabella can always find something to keep herself busy. She has been putting 2 babies (or bears) in the shopping cart just like Mommy.

The Sister Squeeze
Sweet Sophia is 4 months old now. She loves to watch Isabella and its cute to see them interacting. Isabella wants to play with her baby sister and now that Sophia can grasp objects it makes Isabella very happy. Bell likes to bring toys to Sophia and even shares her special Elmo .

Last week we enjoyed a nice visit with my cousin Stephanie. It has been years since we have seen each other but it did not seem like a lot of time had passed. Isabella had a blast with Kiersten (Stephanie's step daughter) and was so sad to see her leave. I hope we can get together again soon!
Isabella enjoyed being picked up by Kiersten. I thought it was super cute when Kiersten said to Isabella "you are so cute, I wish I had a car seat so you could come with me".
Just as we were enjoying a nice week of visitors we all came down with a horrible cold. Will and I are just starting to feel better but poor Bell and Sophia are right in the thick of it. They have both had fevers around 100 degrees for the past 4 days. Neither of them have much of an appetite and just want lots of snuggle time. One thing they both enjoy is bath time and I figured out a way they can enjoy it together.
As I type this the girls are sound asleep. I hope tonight is a better night than last night. Sophia has a horrible cough and could not sleep well so I ended up spending most of the night in the rocker in her room. Its a good thing the chair is comfy since that is where I slept last night. Lets hope tonight I get more than the 2 hours of sleep I had last night.
As I type this the girls are sound asleep. I hope tonight is a better night than last night. Sophia has a horrible cough and could not sleep well so I ended up spending most of the night in the rocker in her room. Its a good thing the chair is comfy since that is where I slept last night. Lets hope tonight I get more than the 2 hours of sleep I had last night.
Its so sad to see both girls so sick. Who knew a cold could hit so hard? In between the runny noses, coughs, fevers and spitting up my daughters still have plenty of smiles to share. I am very thankful for those sweet smiles.
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