Easter is around the corner and the festivities have begun in our home. Homemade Easter cards, jellybeans, dying eggs and bunny ears made the festive weekend complete.
Sophia was a good little egg sitting in the bumbo while we dyed the eggs.
Isabella enjoyed looking at the finished product. She is very proud of the eggs.
A little bit of sunshine on a cloudy day
Isabella is a sweet big sister. She loves to give hugs and play with Sophia.
In this photo below Isabella explained to Sophia to hold the giraffe so it will stop falling on the ground. Isabella is already teaching Sophia the way.
Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Isabella enjoys her toy vacuum but is afraid of our real vacuum. Look at that side arm action...
So our 2 year old toddler loves to make her own decisions and this past week that involved nap time. Isabella took a nap only 2 days last week. She thinks she is ready to give it up but Will and I know she still needs a nap. Otherwise, she falls apart around dinner time. Just as I am getting one child to nap good, the other wants to give up napping. Don't they know that naps are divine (at least I think so)
We hope you all have a nice Easter as well.