You're a grand old flag
You're a high flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You're the emblem of the land I love.
The home of the free and brave.
Ev'ry heart beats true
'neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there's never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.

We spent fourth of July at home with big plans... POTTY TRAINING! Isabella has been using the potty 1-3x a day for the past 7 months. She also tells me when she would like a fresh diaper so this seemed like a good time to start a 3 day potty training boot camp. Isabella was eager to wear her big girl panties at first but later asked to put a diaper back on.
Day 1 had a 58% success rate.
Day 2 had a 67% success rate
Day 3 had a 79% success rate.
Isabella is so proud when she goes on the potty!

Isabella is exercising the 2
nd amendment - the right to bear arms.

My little water baby Sophia loves her personal sized pool

Our girls

We enjoyed our own 4
th of July display with lots of party poppers. The tiny streamers are in the grass behind the girls.

Nothing say summer like juicy watermelon and bare feet!
Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July!
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