This past weekend we dressed the girls up to enjoy a party at my friend Janet's house. For some reason, Isabella kept calling it a tea party. So cute. Isabella loves to have tea parties at home with Sophia.

Sunday, Isabella was thrilled to spend time with her grandparents. She said "Poppy gonna take a nap with Isabella on the couch". Ha!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Little Miss Sophia & Big Girl Bella
It has taken us 8 months but we finally have a bottle Sophia will take! Here she is checking out how many ounces she is putting back
Mama said knock you out
Sophia is showing off those pearly whites....tooth #6 just came in
Sophia loves the swing especially when big sister is pushing
Isabella has been doing great using the potty. After 15 days of potty training she finally "dropped the kids off at the pool". That was a HUGE deal.
We made a big fuss and rewarded Isabella with a new tu-tu which she loved.
We also thought it would be a treat to surprise Bell with a big girl bed. Isabella has just started climbing out of her crib so it seemed like a good time to convert the crib.
Isabella was so excited with her big girl bed. She squealed with delight! However that excitement wore off when it was time to tuck Isabella in. She was upset and scared in her new bed. She said "Daddy broke the bed. Daddy fix it". So back to the crib for now. And yes she is still climbing out of the crib but I believe she likes the security of her crib for now.
Toddler Time
This week has been loaded with lots of toddler time. One evening Isabella and I went to the library. She had so much fun! She played with puzzles, trains, and loads of books. But her favorite was the stuffed Bearnstein Bears. When it was time to leave the library, Bell tucked them in and said goodnight.
Today Isabella went bowling for the 1st time and had a blast. It was interesting trying to get the kids to take turns. Isabella picked up the game pretty quick from her friends James and Molly.
Go Ball Go
With bumper guards up and this ramp, Isabella played a decent game. Go Isabella.
This week we had Bennett & Lyndon over to play. Isabella and Bennett decorated recycled binoculars with lots of stickers. The kiddos seemed to have more fun talking into them and sharing one.
Blocks were fun too...for about 10 minutes. Ahhh....the attention span of a toddler always keeps up the pace in life.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Playing with color
Isabella needed a big chunky crayon she could not break so I decided to make a batch of cupcake crayons. For those who are interested here are the steps:
1. Peel the crayons - it helps to soak them in ice cold water for about a minute
Step 3: Heat oven to 350. Once temp is reached turn OFF the oven and put the crayon cupcakes inside for 6 minutes.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
My girls
Sophia and Isabella have so much fun together. No one can make Sophia laugh like her big sister can. This past week was pretty low key. Sophia was recovering from an ear infection and Isabella is still working on using the potty.
Isabella wanted to sit with Sophia at the pediatricians office. She even shared her drawing board with her sick sister.
Waiting to feel better
The girls both love the water. We all enjoyed a trip to our friends pool. Here are a few pics of Isabella and Madelyn having fun. Isabella did not want to get out of the water at all but I was very impressed that she came up to me and told me she had to use the potty. It was the 1st time she has actually used the regular toilet in public! Yeah Isabella!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Potty Time
As you know, Isabella started potty training last week. Every day was an improvement and at the end of the 1st week was a day with no accidents! Typically Isabella has 2 accidents a day but she is getting up to go to the bathroom on her own most of the time.
Below are photos of our potty training journey. The 4th of July was a great weekend to start potty training since it was a 3 day weekend. I needed to give lots attention to Isabella and her signals to use the potty. We pumped her full of liquids all day and kept the potty near us. After 5 days of staying home we ventured into public with Isabella in big girl panties. I was armed with a potty seat/ chair , change of clothes, spare underwear and rewards. We headed to Barnes & Noble story time to meet our playgroup. Isabella used her potty in the bathroom and things seemed good to go. Well wouldn't you know it she had an accident less than 5 minutes later right on the stage in the middle of story time. Luckily, she had on rubber pants so there was little mess to deal with.
My little lion is ready to go!
Day 2 of Potty training
Notice my red face? I had returned from a 3 mile run in 101 degree heat and needed the pool to cool me off!
Sophia is maxin' & relaxin'
Day 4 of potty training at home with Kate
Day 6
Keeping the rug dry
Sick Sophie. Poor sweetheart has had a high fever for 4 days and is still a trouper. She has an ear infection and a cold on top of it. Today at the pediatricians office Isabella had to go to the potty. I came equipped with my handy dandy potette!
Bell & the Tomatoes
Isabella loves to pick and eat fresh tomatoes from our garden. The tomato plants are doing well. Unfortunately the neighborhood critters seems to be enjoying the majority of our crop. Will is enclosing the gardens so hopefully that will do the trick!

Our 1st cucumber
The sunflower Isabella planted just bloomed and she said "Its so pretty!".
We truly enjoy our garden.
We truly enjoy our garden.
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