As much as we are watching our children to see what they do with thier lives, they are watching us to see what we do with ours.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Toothless Grin

We can say goodbye to that sweet toothless grin since Sophia's 1st tooth is in. I must say that Sophia is handling teething very well and Tylenol is a huge help. In retrospect it seems that Sophia is handling this better than is that just the personality differences or me being more experienced as a mother? Either way, the toothless grin is on its way out. Hello sweet baby teeth. Guess its about time to start Sophia on baby food!We have been enjoying lots of time in the backyard as the weather has been perfect!! Today I planted a few more veggies in our garden...I added sugar snap peas, green beans, lettuce and sweet peppers. Yum! Isabella helped water all the seedlings. We all are enjoying the garden. Since we seem to have a green thumb, I made our likeness in an egg family. The grass took a few weeks to grow and Will styled all the "hair". EGGstra cute! Can you tell who each egg represents?
My little gardener
My little garden gnome
Playing tag is fun!
You cant catch me
We had a fun week! A few playdates, a visit from my cousin Rob, a birthday party and a trip to a petting zoo.

As I type this the girls are in bed fast asleep gearing up for tomorrow. I should do the same. Time for another fun filled week!

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