Things have been pretty busy in the Schaefer household as Isabella is always on the go. However, I will make up for lost time in this post to keep everyone in the loop. Here goes...
St. Pattys day Isabella had corned beef , irish soda bread and a shamrock headband to celebrate her Irish heritage. I think she had more fun taking the headband off, then on, then off...
Last weekend Meredith came to visit. Isabella rocked a special hair style just for her Aunt.
Isabella enjoys her new found skill of walking. She is a proud little peach.
This weekend we made a day trip to Maryland to celebrate my Mom & nephew Kelty's birthday. We ended up at the germ infested Chuck E Cheese. Since we were in Annapolis my friend Melanie was able to meet up with us. That was a huge treat since we have not seen each other since November 2007. Here a few photos to enjoy:
Isabella, Gillian & Kelty
Gram, Pap, Bell & Grammie
Isabella was mesmerized by the large puppets.
Whee, this is fun!
Old Friends + 1
I am not sure whose grin is bigger?

Isabella, Gillian & Kelty
Isabella was mesmerized by the large puppets.
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