Last Friday we attended orientation at the girls pre-school. Sophia was excited to meet her teachers and said she wanted to tell them Hi! She eased into the classroom and made her way over to the doll house to play. There were no tears shed when I left the room, although Sophia later told me lots of kids in the class were crying for the Mommy's and Daddy's.. Sophia hung out in her class for about 20 minutes while the parents met with the school director. When we came to pick her up she seemed so much older than she did earlier that morning. My baby is a pre-schooler now!
Isabella was also eager to get to school to meet her friends, she already knew her teachers from last year. Isabella bounced around the room checking out lots of fun stations that were set up. Her teacher even made a goody bag for all the kids to take home. The note attached to the bag said
" This bag of goodies to start the new year will help you remember how special you are...
Clay: because you are creative
Stickers: because you will stick with it when we learn something new
Pencil: because you are sharp
Eraser: because we all make mistakes
Smarties: because you are smart
badge: because you follow the rules
Hugs: because you are loved!. "
After orientation the girls picked lunch at a location of their choice...McDonalds!
Mrs. Meche, Sophia & Mrs. Simkins |
Mrs. McDearmon, Isabella, Thomas the bear, & Mrs. Zampetti |
Lunch out at McDonalds after orientation |
"I like hamburgers with cheese!" |
Saturday evening our friend Katie was married. The retro reception was at a bowling alley and it was so much fun! It was a late night for the kids but they enjoyed seeing the bride, playing in the arcade, bowling and eating delicious cupcakes! I enjoyed a little late night bowling myself!
Happy Family September 2012 |
The girls were excited to see Katie. Sophia called her a princess! |
Daddy teaches the girls to bowl |
Daddy - Daughter snuggles |
Yummy in my tummy! |
Strike for me! woohoo! |
Congratulations Katie and Rick!