Mary, Mary quite contrary
how does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
and pretty maids all in a row.

Tonight Isabella and Will added a few more plants (chives, basil, peppers, and chamomile) to the garden. Isabella had so much fun in the garden that she remarked "Daddy, I love dirt" that comment I knew tonight would be a bath night. :)

The girls also enjoyed playing in the swing this evening

Sophia lights up for her big sister

Clearly, Isabella was ready for her turn! Bell said "Sophie get out, Bells turn sit"

My happy little peanut in the swing loving on her bear...which by the way she pushed the bear in the swing for a few minutes before she pushed her sister.

Our happy little clam Sophia

We really enjoy our backyard and having a fence makes it wonderful. Our backyard is a magical place for our children to play and make memories.