Isabella is a lil' helper. She likes to help Will around the house using her own tool set. She carries around the bag of tools and calls it a purse. She also likes to play with cars and her favorite car is the firetruck. But above all she still loves her baby dolls.
Isabella loves to help me in the kitchen too. We made cinnamon rolls from scratch that were delicious.
Arts & Crafts time is a popular time in our house
Someone is ready to go...
There is always time for her babies

Sophia is growing like a weed and is already wearing clothes that are size 6 months even though she is only 3 1/2 months old. She is still a happy and content baby but has reverted to now waking up every 3 hours at night. Lets hope its just a growth spurt so we can all catch up on our sleep.
Poca, our cat, is very friendly with our girls. I think she really likes Isabella because Poca does not want to leave Isabella's room at bedtime. Poca is also fond of Sophia and cuddles right next to her.

Sophia is still not a fan of tummy time but is getting better at it. She is so close to rolling over from her back to her stomach. I am sure she will be crawling before we know it so I am enjoying this precious baby stage.
I like to capture the interactions between Sophia and Isabella. It is sweet and sometimes funny to see them interact with each other. Isabella covers Sophia with her blankets and even shares her baby doll. Sophia lights up when Isabella talks to her.
Isabella thought it was so funny that Sophia fell over when Isabella stopped supporting her by sitting up too. See what I mean ... funny stuff!
Sophia's favorite piece of baby equipment is the swing. She loves to watch the mobile move and gaze at herself in the mirror.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Lil' talker and ABC's
Finally some video of my little darlings...
Sophia is a little talker these days. Not only has she found her hands, but she has also found her voice. We love to hear her voice and hold a "conversation" with her.
Isabella is building her repertoire of songs. She can sing lots of songs; Twinkle Twinkle, Old McDonald, Ring Around the Rosie, ABC, 5 little Monkeys Jumping, Rock-a-bye Baby and Happy Birthday are a few that come to mind. But out of all the songs ABC seems to be her favorite. See what you think for yourself.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I forgot to add to yesterdays post that Isabella has grown almost 5 inches in one year and is now 34.5 inches tall. She is still a little string bean and only weighs 24 pounds. For kicks and giggles we weighed Sophia while we were in the pediatricians office yesterday and at 3 months old she is almost 14 pounds! Sophia is catching up to Bell pretty fast.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy Birthday Bella
Yes, its true. Our sweet Isabella just turned TWO! We spent the entire day celebrating. Shortly after breakfast Isabella found her birthday stash. We thought she would tear through all the gifts but she wanted to saver each one. Her first comment was not about the trike but rather the monkey balloon. It was fun to watch her open gifts and she even responded "Awesome" and "Wow" to a few. Obviously the trike is her favorite gift because she wanted to sit on it to open her other gifts.

Isabella had a pottery painting birthday party with a few friends. It was fun and all the painted plates looked neat. Sophia even made a plate with her footprints.
The artist at work
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
3 months
Sophia is 3 months old now so it was time for a photo shoot. My normally happy baby had no smiles for Mommy during the shoot but we still managed to get a few great shots. At 3 months old Sophie has discovered her hands and can grasp a toy. Sophia has even laughed out loud a few times!
As I mentioned in a previous post, Isabella likes to hold two strollers at the same time to make it a double stroller. Will taped them together so she can enjoy it with out hassle. Notices the 2 purses on her arms. She is ready to go.
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