Sunday, August 30, 2009
Summertime Rolls
As summer draws to the end we try to spend a lot of time outdoors. This weekend we enjoyed a nice dinner on the deck with Meredith and a trip to the park. Hard to believe the weekend is almost over. Where did the time go? Good thing next weekend we can enjoy a nice 3 day weekend at home!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Water Water Everywhere
This was a super fun weekend! Saturday we celebrated Meredith's 30th birthday. Since it was a long drive we thought it was the perfect time to turn Isabella's car seat around and give her a little leg room. She loved the new vantage point so much that she did not want to take a nap.
However, Isabella finally did fall asleep about 20 minutes before we arrived.
The weather called for storms but luckily the rain held out long enough for Isabella to enjoy a dip in the big pool. Our little fish had a blast!

Will was pleasantly surprised with his favorite cake for a belated birthday celebration. Yum!
Meredith enjoyed a delicious blueberry crisp for her big birthday celebration.
I know Isabella had a great time because she was exhausted when we left for home. She even slept till 8:30am the following morning which was treat for Will and I to sleep in. Sunday was more fun in the sun at the Timmerman's pool. Its always hard to get a pic of Isabella, Molly and James together but I managed to get 2 good ones.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Spread the love
The stats from Isabella's 18 month check up revealed that she is still a little peanut. She is a smidgen over 22 lbs (17%) and 32.5" inches tall. One thing the Doctor did not mention was how early the "terrible two's" starts. Lets just say as if on cue Isabella's determined and spirited personality is keeping Will and I VERY busy. It seems like just yesterday we were feeding Isabella rice cereal and now she wants to do it all on her own. Our little Isabella is growing up so fast. I remember how big Poca used to be compared to Isabella and now its quite the opposite. Good thing our cat is very sweet with kids. Here are a few photos from this weekend.
Off to a party...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Year and a half!!
A little certain someone is 1 1/2 years old!! She loves dogs, baby dolls, playing in water, Elmo, rides in the stroller and trips to the playground. Isabella feeds herself like a big girl (with silverware) and loves all kinds of fruit! Bell has developed quite a sense of humor and keeps us very entertained. Our spirited child loves her friends and teachers at school. Each day brings an increased vocabulary which amazes me to see the rate at which she learns. I love to hear her say Mommy or Daddy. Its so cute and it melts my heart. 
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
So Big!
Isabella enjoyed a surprise on Friday morning when her cousin Samantha was there! They were able to spend a little bit of time together before we had to run off to school & work. Big hugs, good books and hive fives were the perfect way to start the day.

Then Isabella displayed her newest trick...
Taking her shoes off and then putting them back on!
Finally the weekend came and it was a HOT one. Isabella found the coolest seat in the house which happened to be in the fridge. Silly girl.
And if you know Isabella a weekend would not be complete without water play.
Water play and being outdoors is lots of fun, but I am so ready for the cool fall weather to arrive. Not sure if its the pregnancy making me think this way or just the humid Richmond air zapping away my energy. This summer has been fun and we have enjoyed every weekend to the fullest. However, I eagerly await the cool crisp air of fall, the leaves changing color, baked apples, pumpkin pie and meeting our next daughter!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Chill weekend
Its hard to believe its already August. This summer is flying by but I must admit I am ready for some cooler weather. We spent another wonderful weekend chillin' out at home. It was hot and humid so I even enjoyed some time in the baby pool.
Testing the waters... yup, feels right!
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