Saturday evening Will, Isabella and I exchanged stockings. Isabella was not feeling well enough to even hold up her stocking. Poor dear.

Will was feeling groovy and proudly showing off the stocking I knitted for him...each stitch was made with love.

Will was feeling groovy and proudly showing off the stocking I knitted for him...each stitch was made with love.
As you can see from the pics above Isabella is sick again. RSV has really done a number on her. It all started with a sudden cough on Christmas night. The next day Bell ran of 102 degree fever . Her fever has finally broke today but she cant sleep due to the excessive coughing and spitting up. It breaks my heart to see her so sick and lethargic. In the past 24 hours I have changed her sheets 3 times due to vomiting in her sleep. Since RSV is a virus there is not much the Doctors can do to help. Vapor baths, steam, Motrin, liquids and large doses of TLC from Mommy and Daddy do seem to give her some relief. I hope my little buttercup gets well soon!